C est la vie…!

Many are here for the view

The concerned are but few

If only you care to know

It’s all up to you

C est la vie…!

Some may cheer you

Others may jeer at you

Opinions will never cease

Find from them your motivation

C est la vie..!

We pray; deliver us from evil

But do we get to choose our evil?

Ponder! You might be your own devil

Would you then run from yourself?

C est la vie..!

Some evil seem to always smile

And the good seem to always frown

Beauty can be so deceptive

Would you not weigh to reach understanding

C est la vie..!

Pain is a friend

Suffering is the enemy

If we aren’t immune to pain

Why should we keep on suffering

©️Hamza Hajj Ayub


To what gives life meaning

Is a puzzle we all hold to our piece

To seek validation may ruin happiness

For everyone sees life in their own lens

When engulfed in pain

And the multitude around are scattered

In our solitude we seek comfort

Holding on to anything that keeps our soul alive

For not everyone will understand your choice

But if your heart is at peace

Why worry?

©️Hamza Hajj Ayub


For where we have to go

Sometimes a part of us may have to go

The smiles we want to wear tomorrow

Some pains we have to bear today

Questions many may ask

Why come with a face so weird?

But if only we care to know

People live with pains, they never show

©️Hamza Hajj Ayub


When adulthood visits early

And our stories of childhood

Are not that of ice creams and toffees

For hunger hangs on the neck

As sweat and dirt becomes our friend

So we may set fire beneath our pots

We rarely find time to play

For adulthood came too early

And we skipped childhood

Only to enjoy, if we ever find rest

©️Hamza Hajj Ayub