
Calls from home to attend to my house chores
As I gazed beyond the horizon walking along the sea shores
Taking aback in the recent memory which still bores
Scars of deep wounds feel like new sores
Willy-nilly am a traveler one day to the distant land.

A faith unknown
As fears in me feel so grown
At the peak of worries I look so blown
What I crave as treasure can never be achieved while in leisure.
Home a thought is where I am from but real home lies in a distant land.

Tick tock my time passes by without hinderance
Yet little effort do I make in my quest for deliverance
Bonded and shackled in chains of my worldy desires
As my insurance package for my soon to be journey expires
Too long or too short is unimportant if not too well lived.
For we are coming home to the distant land.

Content more important than the intent
Too much my luggage so much were the garbage
Hustles and tussles yet tied to my neck was my hassle.
Of what couldn’t be undone by the mightiest muscle
But to find myself beneath the shades of my few a sincere deeds
Walk or crawl the destination we are bound to get there.
A distant land……

©Hamza Hajj Ayub


Wealth I have amassed
Thinking my worries I have surpassed
Family I have in multitude
A feeling of security against solitude
But don’t we all?

Help, a word I only imagined for the poor
Fear, a feeling I thinketh for the weak
Strength, I can only see in physique
Yet true strength is that of unshaken will
So don’t we all?

Sleeping in a fortress
Yet not guaranteed of distress
A pauperess lying on her coat dress
Serenity of sleep better than my mattress
So don’t we all?

Rarely do I put on my reminder
For the time that will come my surrender
The when and how I hardly ponder
To make way no matter the blunder
For the rich to be in need is a wonder
But don’t we all?

A bridge between the rich and the poor
Wealth we only see as the core
Yet our plight in different ways feels the same
Do u need help?
A question we only see for the poor
Don’t we all?
An answer for every soul is needy
So don’t we all?

©Hamza Hajj Ayub