
Not raised to know any other way
From the ashes I was reborn only to live the same way
Couldn’t stand the sight of my deeds
But like the goat in the court of wolves my conscience had no voice over my soul

A hungry stomach rarely has time for good taste
As quantity whether garbage or not has become more important than quality
To live by any means necessary
Only to die at whatever cost so unnecessary

The road to correction doesn’t always guarantee perfection
As our mistakes are enough punishment on us
To be punished by another again may only lead us back to temptation
For sometimes in the destination lies our biggest frustration

I didn’t know that I would come to know
To stay long in marriage with age doesn’t automatically make you a sage
Growing tall has become so important than growing balls
Chasing fame however how
Have become untamed and at the feet of regret I have come to bow

©Hamza Hajj Ayub


A safe haven
Beautiful on earth we make our heaven
Calm waters, uniform singing birds with clapping leaves
For a peaceful heart puts the mind at ease

A pure bond of coexistence
Crossing all barriers that mind couldn’t conceive
A free spirit
Grows strong as it wanders about the wild

A language all can understand
As we may be from different walks of life
Covered and ushered by our different moods
Yet animal or human we feel safe when welcomed with a smile

To live we are likely to meet tears
But when we hold hands together we can calm the fears
Trading childhood for adulthood
Hard to find those innocent smiles
A wish to go back in time
Where in the face of friends or foe I always wear my innocent smile

©Hamza Hajj Ayub



A traveler of the night
Says goodbye in the morning
Dark blue skies of the evening
Couldn’t be more beautiful without the little pretty stars

Traveling on a sinking ship
Embraced to faith for am not good to swim
Drowning into the sea of pain
Heads above water but for how long can I restrain

Didn’t choose to be here
But will our hearts one day choose to hear
Deflecting directions
As we are caught in a riptide

Goodbyes taking over welcomes
The cold hugs, the freezing smiles
What’s left more to fight for
As our paths keep moving us apart

Flying Eagles
With the beautiful memories which couldn’t hold us back anymore
High above the reach of our might
For what we yearn couldn’t be for this life
As our happy times could only be scars on water

©Hamza Hajj Ayub



Guided by the stars
Yet our path seems to be unguided
Struggling to hold
But we tend to be ok in the cold

A wish to live so dear
But even as we come near we tend to break in fear
Longing for a lasting kiss
But it always come as a momentary bliss

Running to our goal we always come yearning
Sadly though our hearts always meet breaking
And when moments become immune to corrections
We only settled for our perfect imperfections

Kinder are our actions
But we tend to be married with our distractions
Guided by the stars
Yet our path seems to be unguided

©Hamza Hajj Ayub