
So often we give prominence to the heart and forget the mind
So often we give precedence to the mind and forget the heart
Life is not suppose to be a battle between intellect and emotions
But a unity between these two if we are to climax our potential

It’s a wonder when we fly a plane but we can’t fly away each other’s pain
Growing our intellect but forgetting to bring along our hearts
Empathy and sympathy we leave behind in our childhood days
Living like robots in a world that is full of “we know” but so little of “we feel”

Sorry to he that only thinks with his heart
For it’s disastrous to only feel but cannot discern
Living like a baby while we rush into making babies
Easier to start but harder to maintain

So when the mind and heart unite to pursue a goal
Hurdles and worries are but motivation on one’s road
You smile at the difficulties
For it makes the goal worth pursuing
As beauty most at times is in the process
For it is where we measure the effort

©Hamza Hajj Ayub



A cocktail of scars
From the turbulent roads to the chaos nights
From the ceaseless screams
To the shuttered dreams
From the ashes we were reborn like the Phoenix

Buried deep is our wounds underneath the ground
But the scars like ghosts find its way to stay around
A reminder that the eraser may clean the slate
But the deeper our wounds is the extent of the scars in our lives

Every life has a story to tell
For how tall we rise, there have been times we fell
We may linger in pain a while and prolong the yell
But never to get glued to the ground for with time we rise to gel

He is not a fisherman today by virtue of being born on the sea
With perseverance and determination he comes to understand his prey
From the cold hours of the dawn he set sight to his goals
To be welcomed back with scars of pain but with a treasure of victory in his net

Situations aren’t meant to be perfect
Timing aren’t always meant to be right
But your smile in any situation is always a bright start
For we either give in and fall
Or we give it our all, so one day we stand tall

©Hamza Hajj Ayub



I touched the sky with my hands
And I realized no place far than where my heart isn’t willing to go

I smiled in my pains
And I realized no scar so deep than the one which the heart isn’t willing to let go

I laugh deep with my cheeks stretched
And I realized it doesn’t take much to inspire another but just a good countenance

I choose to be happy like a baby
But wail like a grown up
Forget the pain like a donkey
And push towards my goal like the ant
For our life is beautiful if we choose to live it so!

©Hamza Hajj Ayub



Not all would linger when it starts to taste like ginger

Forgetting roots get stronger as they longer in the earth
To claim to fight for what we want at no matter the cost
Unfortunately we tend to fight with what we want at the very little cost
Giving prominence to what we say but heedless of how we say it

Not long ago we welcome each other with the best of pleasantries
A bond we set to make so colorful that even the rainbow seems to envy
Dreams and visions of a good home we planned but couldn’t stay to build
As we rushed to sow but couldn’t water our seeds to grow

Too centered on our looks we left little Ama to the crooks
Growing up in a broken home she knows not the beauty of a happy home
Like a deserted chick always at the mercy of the hawk
Shaped by the ills of society she grows up only to add to the unplanned bills

Consumed by Ego, Dada becomes insensitive to the plight of little kofi
Breaking away from sacred vows for its honor was only valued in the number of jewels and cows
A child left to be trained by monkeys, yet we complain about him jumping walls
Need not to be told, that a peaceful home is the nurturing ground for a gentle soul
For the sun will always burn
But it’s up to us to make a roof or live to be embraced by its scorch

©Hamza Hajj Ayub



Sound of our lonely footsteps
Was the only escort we could find in our lonesome journey
With our perfect out-fit, society labelled us a mis-fit
Of what opinion has the sheep in the court of hungry wolves

Branded by words from the salted mouths of the multitude
With what minds find sweet to conceive the lips say without clarification
Painting of reputations with the shu-shu
we have allow to grow like weed
Yet we find ourselves missing in shame as we sit with our object of slander

The bullet may run fast
But slander destroys faster
Of what good do we gain from a business
That we crave for the weight of a penny in order to destroy many
Caught in a busy to and fro like a pendulum
Only to see the next good name fall in abject obscurity

Of the many that is said the bad is the one picked
Shaped and moulded to appeal to the ears that booms the gossip industry
To offer sit and tea only to be fed with ill news that breaks honor
Yet we beat our drums and dance with pride
With a music of self aggrandizement as the saints of our time

©Hamza Hajj Ayub



Echoes of injustice ringing bells in the heart of humanity
Of a world where reasoning has been left to machines
As emotions have been prioritized only when it comes with coins or fame
The ceaseless cries and tears of the innocent on deaf ears like the ram at the abattoir

Self acclaimed proponents of peace seating at ease
Watching a barbaric cleansing of who they will term as “disease”
Yellow, black or white as we all breathe without color we are human
The cross, crescent or star as we all bleed when cut we must feel for every life

We have risen above the moon but humanity has seized to boon
For blood we easily sprinkle on earth like we irrigate our gardens
Vultures we have become waiting for the big kill
For the greedy and hypocrite saints triumph in chaos

There’s no victor or vanquish when humanity bleeds
For peace and justice go hand in hand and not a selected right for an elite few
Our hands are stained for no matter how well we clean it with soothing words history will recount one day
A world where values have become appreciated virtually
For the jungle now battles humanity in maintaining peace and sanity

©Hamza Hajj Ayub