
The pipelines are choked
From political promises
To relationship vows
Everything is choked

All want to stay woke
From the hungry man
To the greedy man
No one is ready to let go

Our females are not safe
From the toddlers
To the grannies
All are living in fear

Our authorities are still at bay
From the superiors
To the regulars
The efforts end at “we will investigate”

The results are still in the pipeline
And when it’s too much for the pipe to contain
Frustrations are bound to explode
Oh Lord have mercy we pray not
For such day

But when we sleep with an itchy anus
We know what we are bound to smell the next day
Why are we silent?
We have heard too much we need to feel something

Ghana is peaceful
And it will forever be peaceful
But not until we do something
To everyone is a duty to his community
So we must stay Woke

Where are we going?

©️Hamza Hajj Ayub


Quill pen and ink well resting on blank parchment paper with cop

On the pomposity of man 

He is filled with his fame 

Almost forgetting his name 

Flying on the lips of many with glory 

But deep in their hearts he is soon to be called sorry 

On the beauty of a woman 

Chased by all when it glows 

But so few want to polish it when it darkens 

Be brighter beyond cosmetics 

With integrity and ethics 

And all shall bow to your holiness as you deserve 

On the ways of a father 

Don’t only be a man at night 

And a boy in the day 

In your wife is a home 

So don’t make her roof leak 

In your children is a farm 

Grow it with responsibility 

On the blueprint of a mother 

Blessed is the womb that brought forth man

For in her is a school for the nation 

Don’t burn the bridges 

For temporary grudges 

You are a home for all 

From your patience comes wisdom 

On the duty of a child  

Be your parents’ muse

And cut not their smile 

Live like a man 

But don’t forget you are still their child 

On the role of the society 

Frown on the devil

But be sure to refine evil 

Seek from the wise 

But be advised not to cut off the ignorant 

For all deserve a chance 

Between right and wrong 

Is mostly time and divine guidance 

©️Hamza Hajj Ayub